Grüner Glanzaugenfrosch
(Boophis viridis)

Was für ein Frosch?

Allgemeine Informationen

Name: Grüner Glanzaugenfrosch (D), Green Bright-eyed Frog (UK)
Familie: Madagaskarfrösche (Mantellidae)
Vorkommen: Madagaskar
Lebensraum: Regenwälder
Größe 30 mm (m), 35 mm (w)

Boophis viridis
Location: Madagaskar
Foto: Julia Walter (2017)

Boophis viridis
Location: Madagaskar
Foto: Julia Walter (2017)


Der Grüne Glanzaugenfrosch (Boophis viridis) ist eine auf Madagaskar endemisch vorkommende Froschart aus der Familie Mantellidae. Männchen werden 30 mm, Weibchen 35 mm groß.

Arten der Gattung Boophis

Boophis albilabris (Boulenger, 1888)
Boophis albipunctatus Glaw and Thiesmeier, 1993
Boophis andohahela Andreone, Nincheri and Piazza, 1995
Boophis andreonei Glaw and Vences, 1994
Boophis anjanaharibeensis Andreone, 1996
Boophis ankaratra Andreone, 1993
Boophis axelmeyeri Vences, Andreone & Vieites, 2005
Boophis baetkei Köhler, Glaw, and Vences, 2008
Boophis blommersae Glaw and Vences, 1994
Boophis boehmei Glaw and Vences, 1992
Boophis bottae Vences and Glaw, 2002
Boophis brachychir (Boettger, 1882)
Boophis burgeri Glaw and Vences, 1994
Boophis doulioti (Angel, 1934)
Boophis elenae Andreone, 1993
Boophis englaenderi Glaw and Vences, 1994
Boophis erythrodactylus (Guibé, 1953)
Boophis feonnyala Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
Boophis goudotii Tschudi, 1838
Boophis guibei (McCarthy, 1978)
Boophis haematopus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
Boophis hillenii Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
Boophis idae (Steindachner, 1867)
Boophis jaegeri Glaw and Vences, 1992
Boophis laurenti Guibé, 1947
Boophis liami Vallan, Vences and Glaw, 2003
Boophis lichenoides Vallan, Glaw, Andreone and Cadle, 1998
Boophis lilianae Köhler, Glaw, and Vences, 2008
Boophis luteus (Boulenger, 1882)
Boophis madagascariensis (Peters, 1874)
Boophis majori (Boulenger, 1896)
Boophis mandraka Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
Boophis marojezensis Glaw and Vences, 1994
Boophis microtympanum (Boettger, 1881)
Boophis miniatus (Mocquard, 1902)
Boophis occidentalis Glaw and Vences, 1994
Boophis opisthodon (Boulenger, 1888)
Boophis pauliani (Guibé, 1953)
Boophis periegetes Cadle, 1995
Boophis picturatus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
Boophis pyrrhus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
Boophis rappiodes (Ahl, 1928)
Boophis reticulatus Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
Boophis rhodoscelis (Boulenger, 1882)
Boophis rufioculis Glaw and Vences, 1997
Boophis sambirano Vences & Glaw, 2005
Boophis schuboeae Glaw and Vences, 2002
Boophis septentrionalis Glaw & Vences, 1994
Boophis sibilans Glaw and Thiesmeier, 1993
Boophis solomaso Vallan, Vences and Glaw, 2003
Boophis tampoka Köhler, Glaw, and Vences, 2008
Boophis tasymena Vences and Glaw, 2002
Boophis tephraeomystax (Duméril, 1853)
Boophis ulftunni Wollenberg, Andreone, Glaw, and Vences, 2008
Boophis viridis Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
Boophis vittatus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
Boophis williamsi (Guibé, 1974)
Boophis xerophilus Glaw and Vences, 1997

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